Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nothing beats a warm (98.6º) bath!

This is probably not how most people picture a bloodbath but it is the way I do leading up to and during Horror Sheeesh! month. Anyway, I hope you are enjoying The Horrors. If you are please leave me a comment so I know you're still there! I've made it reaaaaally easy now, see the giant Post a Comment box??? Go for it!

Thanks for stopping by!

PS. A, A, and D I hope this meets your expectations :)


  1. Haha, this is a great one. LOL.

    Would love to see a line-up of all of the historic horror Sheeesh! cartoons. Love them all.

  2. That's a hard decision between funny,interesting or cool! It's all 3 and fits the season. LOLOL

  3. It's exactly how I picture a blood bath. Does that make me weird?

  4. Meets AND Exceeds Sinny!! Great!
