Wednesday, October 24, 2012

La-la La-la Elmo's Street...

We all knew that Jamie Lee Curtis and Johnny Depp started their incredible acting careers off in classic horror flicks but who knew about Elmo?! I love this Horror Movie Sheeesh! and if you do too, please leave me a comment about it or share it on your Facebook page or go to mine and like it on there!

I hope you're enjoying Horror Sheeesh! month like I am! One more week to go. We get five this year which is a lucky thing isn't it?

Have a GREAT Wednesday!


  1. Elmo will have to go back to movies when Mitt shuts down PBS.
    That's OK though. Go Romney!!!

    -Big Bird

  2. hee! Hee! Hee! Elmo is scary. How do you think his fur got red?
