Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Star Crossed Chickens

Oh poor doomed chickens! I know they look a little too happy to be playing the tragic Romeo and Juliet but I guess they don't yet know their fate at this point in the play. That's how I am selling it anyway. Shakespeare and Bake! Enjoy!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ho hum!

I'm posting from vacation this week and recycled my old Words with Fiends board to create a quick cartoon so be sure not to look at it too quickly and think you already saw this one!

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Right to the flower bed...

There's one in every garden! I think these tools are going to become regulars on the Sheeesh! Blog. They're kinda cute. Especially the Fork.

By the way, I just launched a new Sheeesh! website with interactive slide shows broken down into different genres. It took me quite a while, a real labor of love if you will, so when you get a chance, please check it out:

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

That car is a chick magnet

Originally I planned for this cartoon to have baby yellow chicks and not full grown chickens but if you can believe it little yellow chicks just didn't look natural in the car. Haha.

Anyway, have a great rest of the week!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Where's the Pepper spray when you need it?

Sorry it's so late in the day but I've been deep in the woods in the Adirondack's with no access to the internet except for my phone and let's just say that Google+ the app does not work as promised with regard to posting on photos on blogs. Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying the summer!

Thanks for stopping by!