Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Happy Wednesday!

So, it turns out that the Yak is Luke's favorite animal next to labrador retrievers. I had no idea so this one is for him. He's also quite yakety when he gets to talking so it's fitting!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Politics on the beach is for the birds!

I love shore birds and am in total beach mode this week. Sorry if you're not a shore person and therefore aren't familiar with terns but these little guys are an integral part of a relaxing day at the beach. When they're not talking politics in ear shot that is...

Enjoy the summer!
Thanks for stopping by,

PS. Have you become a follower here on the blog? Unless you're one of three people then you probably need to get on that...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

¡Aye Cowramba!

That Corona sure looks good! It surprises me that there's never been a Moochachos Sheeesh! before. There's Moo Cha Chas with the dancing cows but never this one. Strange!

Anyway, hope you're enjoying your summer! Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Wow, be careful this 4th of July people and leave the big bang stuff to the professional pyrotechnical guys! (This means you Aaron.) Here's to wishing everyone a safe, fun and Super Happy 4th of July! Thanks for stopping by the new blog!